Mandi Walls: Welcome to Page It to the Limit, a podcast where we explore what it takes to run software and production successfully. We cover leading practices used in the software industry to improve the system reliability and the lives of the people supporting the system. I’m your host Mandi Walls. Find me @LNXCHK on Twitter. All right welcome. Today on Page It to the Limit, we are going to do a recap of PagerDuty Summit 2021. Yay! We’re all here today. Say hello folks.
Julie Gunderson: Hi everybody. It’s Julie.
Quintessence Anx: Hi, it’s Quintessence.
Scott McAllister: And this is Scott. Hello everybody.
Mandi Walls: Excellent. All right. And for those who just joined us, I’m Mandi. So what’d you think? We did some projects for Summit this year. We did a bunch of workshops and we got to hang out in the virtual booth and talk to people, and we had some birds of a feather, and all that kind of stuff. So, Julie, why don’t you kick us off? What kind of stuff did you get to do during summit?
Julie Gunderson: I did give a talk at Summit on shortening feedback loops with customer service ops, which was really exciting because there was a lot of talk about how do we bring customer service into that DevOps loop that we talk about a lot. So that was a lot of fun. I also hung out with some folks in the APJ region to talk about incident response and looking at incidents. But I think the most fun thing that I did that I had fun with was that responding to incidents with PagerDuty and Gremlin. Where we talk about incident response and illustrate it while using chaos engineering. So it’s a lot of fun. We have a lot of participants. It’s like two and a half hours of chaos and learning. So tons of fun there.
Mandi Walls: Yeah, absolutely. That is a good workshop that we continue to do. Scott, what about you? What’d you think?
Scott McAllister: I was involved heavily with PagerDuty University, but I do want to say the comment about that workshop with Gremlin and causing chaos. My favorite part of that workshop is when we get to wreak havoc and jump into their groups and be that executive that tries to just completely mess up their incident response process. That is the most fun part of the whole thing. So, yeah, and so for my role in Summit this year, there was a decision to have a API masterclass to basically have like a certification on using the PagerDuty API, APIs in general, and because folks who use PagerDuty tend to want to be able to do things with APIs, or at least learn more about APIs, there was a lot of demand for that. So there were three different sessions. It basically like a three hour tour essentially, but the API class was broken up into three little bits, and the one-on-one class where we honestly started at the bare bones beginning, talked about HTTPs, talked about REST architecture, all that stuff, and then eased into what the PagerDuty API offering was and how to use that, how to use the docs, things like that. Then in 201, we get a little more advanced and we introduce folks to tools like Postman. That was fun to help kind of give folks an idea of here are the tools that an engineer would use every day that’s messing around with APIs or working with APIs. And so we helped them do that. And then in the third class, we worked on introducing Terraform. That is a topic that has taken the industry by storm, right? I mean, a lot of folks are using Terraform these days, and there’s still a big population of folks who still haven’t really jumped into it yet with both feet. And so the class was able to allow people to kind of jump in and use Terraform a little bit. We use this rad new platform, and these folks did not pay me to say this, but after setting up the course, I use this platform called Instruqt and it’s spelled with a Q. So it’s I-N-S-T-R-U-Q-T. You shouldn’t have me spell on air.
Mandi Walls: Yeah. We’ll put it in the show notes.
Scott McAllister: We’ll put it in the show notes. If I got it wrong, sorry. Sorry to the folks at Instruqt. But Instruqt was super rad. It allowed us to have a web-based platform to allow people to interact with a terminal and some code. And so they didn’t have to install Terraform or anything. They just spun up these challenges in their browser, and then I was able to put some instructions off to the side of the screen and they can walk through the different challenges. And it was a pretty slick little tool to work in and to have people learn a little bit more about how to do Terraform hands-on. Because I think at the end of the day, that’s why we go to conferences, right? We go to conferences to learn. We want to get more knowledge than we previously had beforehand. And so with Summit, I think that’s what we were trying to do as a team and as a company was to try to help provide that knowledge to the folks who were attending. And so that was fun to be part of PagerDuty University and to help folks at least learn a little bit more. I know Mandi and Quinn, you also had some PagerDuty University sessions. You want to talk about those?
Mandi Walls: Yeah, go ahead Quinn, tell us about your session.
Quintessence Anx: I would like to. For someone to just back up about the Gremlin workshop though, because one of the things that happened right after that workshop, I got a LinkedIn notification. I don’t get LinkedIn notifications. I mean, I do, but I normally ignore them, but this one was on, so I logged into the platform and one of those from the workshop friended of me, and all it said is you are a terrifying exec, laugh cry emojis in sequence.
Scott McAllister: So what you’re saying is you did a really, really good job.
Quintessence Anx: Well, you know, I did stare him down. I’m like, why did you tell me that this is an exercise where they were giving away information that you shouldn’t do? Why are you doing this? So that was a good time, got to have the TA in that particular group was demoing and trying to show them, or not demoing, but modeling how to have an interaction with an exec so that they could learn by watching. It was a good time. I mean the workshop overall is a good time, but I don’t know. It is a bit fun to cause just enough chaos to startle people out of their A-plus game. So, beyond that I did also deliver a workshop via PDU. I was on DevSecOps and that is based on the guide that I wrote earlier this year, but mostly my focus on the workshop was developing empathy in context, because it wasn’t supposed to be a security for security engineers training by any measure. But what it was supposed to do was kind of give Dev and Ops in particular, the kind of launch pad into why integrating security into their processes early is beneficial to them, how it doesn’t necessarily have to be frictional. I read a page from the Phoenix Project, because I figured that’s a well enough known book, but I designed the questions that I asked them such that they didn’t have to have read it, which it ended up being good thing, because I asked them how many of them had read it. 80% had not. Like I’m not even talking about read it, but don’t really remember it, or read it and remember it well enough. They didn’t read it yet. So I was like, oh, okay. But the reason I chose that book is when I was doing some research, one of the security engineers I talked to said, try rereading the book, but from the perspective of security, because usually when you’re reading it on its first pass, you’re paying attention to how Dev and Ops talk to each other. You’re not really paying attention to how they talk to security specifically until you are. And it’s just as contentious talking to security than they did to each other. So I level set on that and then talked through some things that could be done to not only improve communications, but also improve security posture in a way, so that people who are in Dev and Ops don’t feel like they have to become security specialists. But knowing how to talk to your teams is a bit important, right? We all love receiving requests where there’s not information we need or whatever. And it’s really frustrating. You have to have a lot of back and forth. So that was a good time.
Mandi Walls: Yeah, absolutely. I followed up after Quinn with a workshop on automation, which was kind of nebulous. Scott’s opportunity to do a little bit more hands-on, well it’s like, where are we going to, are we going to do anything hands on? No. And so, we did a session on automation around a bunch of nerdy stuff, actually. So the Ops guide has actual references to white papers in it, which is a little scary. But we talked about the dreaded, I-word idempotent, or idempotent, which I heard this morning. I had not heard that pronunciation.
Scott McAllister: I have never heard of that word until I watched your session. So that is definitely something I learned.
Mandi Walls: That is a big vocab word for automation.
Quintessence Anx: It is a big vocab word. I hope we don’t run into the giff, jiff problem.
Mandi Walls: Oh no. No, wars just listening to the podcast.
Julie Gunderson: We’ll put a definition of that in the show notes, right?
Mandi Walls: Absolutely. We can link to that 100%. Yeah. So we went through some of that, and of course the sprinkling of XKCD’s cartoons about automation, because there’s a few good ones there. And then followed it up at the end with a bit on Rundeck, which we have a smattering of customers who have seen Rundeck before and some who haven’t. So we took some opportunity there just to take folks through some basics of our remediation there. So yeah, it was a… Yesterday was a long day.
Scott McAllister: That was a long day. We had three different sessions for folks who weren’t there live. We had three different blocks of time where we were trying to cater to Europe and the East Coast, and then the West Coast, you got your own block. And then there was a whole other block for Australia, Asia Pacific. And luckily none of us were on the Australia, Asian Pacific time, because even that’s even late for us on the West Coast. But yeah, it was a long, but a good day.
Mandi Walls: Yeah. The good part is for everybody else, like if you missed it, if you weren’t sure, or it didn’t fit your schedule this past week, all of the sessions, including our stuff from yesterday, all the PDU sessions, and all the regular conference sessions, and all the key notes, all that stuff, is available on the Summit platform. So you can sign up, it’s available on demand through the end of July 2020. So you’ll have access to it there. And we hope you take advantage of some of that stuff and look at it there.
Julie Gunderson: Also you can take the API masterclass, those courses that Scott did, you can take that certification as well through the end of the next 30 days. We’ll put a link and the code to take that certification. Don’t do like I did and try to take it before you go through the classes, it’s legitimately hard, but you do learn everything that you need to know by the end of these three courses to take this certification. And Scott, I have to say those courses were just amazing and I learned so much, especially about REST APIs.
Scott McAllister: Thanks Julie.
Julie Gunderson: Yeah. That was a lot of fun.
Scott McAllister: It was honestly a lot of fun to put together, worked on a small team to help put those things together and pull those resources together. And then when we were thinking about the exam, when we think about trying to make certification exams, and especially on something that isn’t necessarily like your company’s focus, right?
Julie Gunderson: Yeah, right?
Scott McAllister: Like PagerDuty can make a certification exam on incident response because hey, guess what? We’re an incident response platform, but APIs are just, it’s such a general topic. So what the interesting thing is that the thing that I notice about various topics all across software and all across technology, is that from our perspectives, we think that everyone knows about a certain topic, so no one wants to hear about it anymore. And then you offer it and realize, wait, there’s still a population of people that they’re like, oh, I’ve heard of APIs, but I’ve never really tried them. I’ve never really tried programming or tried programming against an API or making API calls. And there was definitely a population of people that came to the courses with that background. You have to have a certification exam that’s still accessible to those people. So you have to provide them with that information during the courses, but then you also need to provide a certification exam that someone who’s been programming against APIs every day, all day, for years still can’t just like waltz in and just check a box. Right?
Julie Gunderson: Yeah, you want it to be meaningful.
Scott McAllister: Yeah, there were some questions in there, especially that one, Julie, that you said to me actually yesterday, it was a PagerNation question where they were asking the math on how many calls are made to get this many objects back. And I was like, Oh, that’s a good one. When I looked over the questions originally, I actually honestly didn’t see that question. And so, that was a good one.
Julie Gunderson: Can we cheat for our listeners on this episode? And let’s give them the answer to this question. So for those of you, I got it wrong by the way, I guessed wrong. And Scott would not help me cheat. So I’m putting him on the spot right now, for those of you that ended up doing this API certification. The question is, using the PagerDuty REST API. What is the minimum number of requests required to retrieve 1280 incidents from the last month? The options are 1, 8, 12, and 13. Scott.
Scott McAllister: So the explanation to that is, well first let me defend myself. As a teacher, I can’t just give you the answer, Julie. Right? I can’t just say, oh it’s this. I mean, how would you learn? Right? Okay, anyway. So with the PagerDuty API, we have PagerNation. By default the pages, when you get a list of things back is 25 objects, but you can override that by passing a query string parameter, and that query string parameter, you can set up to a hundred. So if you can get a hundred things back in a single call and you’re trying to get 1,280 of them back in total, that answer is…
Julie Gunderson: 13.
Scott McAllister: There you go.
Julie Gunderson: And I just want to say that Mandi did help me cheat and gave me the answer before you explained it, but thank you for your explanation. I was only trying to cheat on one question.
Scott McAllister: That’s because she wasn’t your instructor on the information. So, she wasn’t overly obligated to just not give you the answer.
Mandi Walls: Exactly. Exactly. I have no moral obligation to make you learn it yourself there.
Scott McAllister: See at that point, Julie, you’re just being resourceful, and that’s good. That was smart.
Julie Gunderson: Thank you. Because Google did not answer it for me. Anyway.
Mandi Walls: Google didn’t know what the maximum was.
Scott McAllister: That reminds me of a point that we made in the course is that folks, when they’re getting into programming, they’re getting into working with APIs and they’re like, oh, well, what programming language should I start with? And I always shrug and put up my hands, because there are so many different programming languages for all different types of activities. And they all have pluses and minuses. Some have two pluses. Thanks.
Mandi Walls: That was great.
Julie Gunderson: Very nice, very nice.
Scott McAllister: That was great. I came up with that one on the fly. But the tip that I give people is that find out the resources around you, and what they use. On your teams at work, or the folks that you talk with, that you socialize with, if they’re programmers, figure out what they use, because they are going to be your best resources and humans, people, I think can be great resources for learning, especially when you have really specific, weird questions that really can’t oversell the idea that, or the help of someone who can sit down with you and kind of look at something together. And so, yeah, you pick the things, you find your resources. Julie found a resource in Mandi and said, you know what, Mandi knows about APIs. Mandi, what’s this question? And so, Julia was being resourceful. So that was good.
Julie Gunderson: Thank you. You know another great resource for folks here. Is you can find us all, and a lot of other people that love to help and answer questions, or if you love to help and answer questions at That’s a great resource for people. By the way, folks, we had really not much of an idea what we were going to talk about today. So this is all unscripted fun here that we are having, but I do highly recommend people to come over to the community and join us to have more fun.
Scott McAllister: Absolutely.
Mandi Walls: I will say, like I spent some time today catching up on some of the sessions that I didn’t get to see. And we were so busy, right? Like we have all these other duties that we have to do during Summit. So like between going to the BOFS (Birds of a Feather sessions) and being in the booth and doing our own stuff and our workshops and whatever else, like I didn’t really get to see anything real time. So I sat down this morning to watch a couple, and I was super impressed with the breadth of customer stories that we had, like across a lot of industries. So like, so far, I’ve just kind of started going through the automation ones, and Trimble is in there, and there it’s like construction technology or something. Like it’s crazy. Like not necessarily anything you’d think about being software first, but they have an interesting story about their services and stuff like that. And then Parsons, which is critical infrastructure and defense contracting, and all kinds of stuff there. So all kinds of wild stuff, that’s in the content from the different customers. So that’s been super interesting too. So I’m looking forward to making use of the on demand to watch some more of these next couple of weeks.
Julie Gunderson: You know one of the cool projects that I worked on, so we have a pro bono program here at Pager Duty, because we really like to give back as part of And one of the projects that I got to be involved with was International Medical Corps. And they had a session at Summit too where we were looking at how do we use PagerDuty for real crisis response? And it was absolutely a fun project to work on. And we got to kind of work a little bit out of the box when thinking through mobilizing people across the world in real time. It could be a hurricane, or a volcano, or even Ebola, which was one of the things that was actually going on while we were working on the project. But they talk about it at Summit too, and kind of what we did. And that was a really interesting use case. So check that one out.
Mandi Walls: Yeah, that was super cool. Some of the other stuff that was in there, that’s super interesting, I haven’t gotten a chance to watch yet, and I don’t know if anybody else has yet either, is like there’s a whole diversity and inclusion track, which is super exciting to see, in like a main line conference. That investment, right? You could have put more marketing stuff in those tracks, right? But it’s diversity inclusion, it’s community stories. It’s like all this belonging and stuff that’s really good. It was super interesting to me too, because like in the current climate where there’s like certain companies that are like, oh, you know what, we don’t want you to bring your whole self to work. Like PagerDuty’s doubling down and saying, you know what, you’re people, and we know you’re people and we want you to be people with us. And just a plug for our careers page if anybody feels like there’s some place that doesn’t appreciate them the way they should be appreciated. PagerDuty’s definitely hiring. And definitely check out some of those stories too.
Quintessence Anx: We’re also hiring the community and advocacy.
Julie Gunderson: Yeah. Our team is hiring two roles. So we’re hiring one of us, an advocate, which you get to do amazingly cool things like a podcast and a bunch of other stuff too. And we’re also looking to bring on a head of community as well, which we’ll put the links in the show notes.
Quintessence Anx: Yep.
Mandi Walls: So with the other duties that we had, did you guys have any good conversations in any of the booths, or I know Julie and Scott are playing some games in the booth the other night.
Julie Gunderson: Yeah, you know what? Okay, let’s just talk about this.
Scott McAllister: I learned some things. We’ll just say that.
Julie Gunderson: Well, I think we should share.
Quintessence Anx: Before she goes into the thing though, I will say this. Just for us, right? We have duties to help Summit run.
Julie Gunderson: Yes!
Quintessence Anx: And this is true for any conference, right?
Scott McAllister: Right.
Julie Gunderson: 100%.
Quintessence Anx: I mean, I know that the 30 days is definitely for participants to catch on sessions they wanted to catch and couldn’t or whatever, but it’s also kind of for us, and everybody else who helped make Summit run, because we were busy hopping around. And relevantly to making Summit run, Julie and Scott had games in the booth to make the booth interactive, because it’s a virtual booth. Right? So that’ll require labor.
Julie Gunderson: We’re also in the booth at like one o’clock in the morning, because as mentioned, this was a, you know, we were supporting all regions. And so, Scott and I did play, well, Scott played with some background direction from Julie of jump. No, turn. Played Nintendo Entertainment System, old school Metroid. And I had the pleasure of teaching Scott, the Justin Bailey hack. So if you have an NES and you have Metroid, hit continue, you type in the password, Justin Bailey, and then spaces the rest of the way, and then-
Scott McAllister: Dashes the rest of the way, just for anybody that’s listening and following at home.
Julie Gunderson: But Scott, what was that fun experience like for you?
Scott McAllister: That was awesome. I was able to play Metroid where Metroid, what’s the character’s name?
Julie Gunderson: Samus.
Scott McAllister: Samus took her helmet off. So her hair’s all flying around, and she had all these like amazing guns. And I was in a level I’d never seen before. And we were trying to make sense of the whole thing. It sounds a lot like incident response, right? You’re trying to make sense of everything, and you’re not sure what’s going on, and you got to find it. And so that’s how we related it back, right. So that’s what we did there. I learned a lot. I definitely learned a lot, and definitely learned that Julie definitely knows her Metroid, because I did not know my Metroid. I was more of a Legend of Zelda sort of kid. And so, ask me anything about that first Zelda game, I could probably get you there, but Metroid is one I’m still trying to crack.
Mandi Walls: Yeah. I think I played more, I definitely played more video games as an adult than I did as a kid. But I’m at the like Lego Star Wars level on the PlayStation. Like basically that’s all I play.
Quintessence Anx: Nothing wrong with the Lego games. They’re actually really nice art wise without making it really expensive for the computer to run it.
Julie Gunderson: I do miss the old Nintendo games. They were fun. I still have my original, but I played a lot of Mario actually. And Scott, the only reason I knew anything about Metroid is because my brother always played it, and he would never let me play it. And so I just had to sit there and watch him.
Scott McAllister: Which is the case most of the time with all of us with older siblings or friends or things like that.
Mandi Walls: And now it’s a whole business. That’s the whole point of Twitch, right? Is to like watch your older brother and his friends play video games all afternoon.
Scott McAllister: There you go.
Julie Gunderson: Mandi, good set up for Twitch, what?
Mandi Walls: Right? What! By the time this comes out, we’ll have launched a Twitch channel for PagerDuty Community. And I was trying to like subtly lead it around. Right? Yeah. Join us on Twitch. We’ll be broadcasting different things over there, doing integrations and maybe we’ll be talking to some of the folks who’ve done these sessions on Summit and that kind of stuff. So, and if you’d like to be on our channel, if you work for a company that has an integration PagerDuty, you want to come in and show it off, drop us a line. I’d love to have you on the channel. So yeah. We’re busy. We’re busy people.
Scott McAllister: Speaking of the interactive, I’m trying to be interactive at Summit. I stepped into Quinn’s talk, and Quinn, you want to talk about how like interactive you were in your, I thought you used a really creative way of interacting with your audience, and they completely responded. Like they were really engaging.
Mandi Walls: Yeah, they were into it.
Quintessence Anx: I use Slido. It wasn’t like the most high-tech of solutions, but I just peppered live Q&A throughout the whole presentation. So for those unfamiliar, the workshop sessions are about an hour and a half long. And if it feels like a lot to sit at a five minute Zoom or a five minute night on Zoom, or a 20 minute to 30 minute full length talk on Zoom, like you can see where I’m getting at with this. So I just thought an hour and a half feels long. So I wanted to take about 15-ish minutes in total, not consecutively of just questions to get them to talk back at me. And I actually, it was a nice surge of dopamine to have the word cloud responses and ask them questions about how they feel, how they would implement, or whatever I was asking at the particular juncture in the talk and just see the words pop right into there. I was just like, ah, yes, this is going just the way I wanted. So happy. So happy it worked out.
Mandi Walls: Yeah, it was super cool watching the folks respond with all the positive and negative connotations for all the stuff you’re asking them about, because it’s kind of, it’s like you mentioned before, it’s kind of contentious. Right?
Quintessence Anx: Yeah. And I loved when people gave some the one-word answers for one of the questions was what’s the state of working with, if you’re in Dev and Ops working with security, or if you’re in security working with Dev and Ops, and a lot back and forth questions like that. Like how do you feel about each other? And most of them were the type of words that you would expect, like anxious, fearful, difficult to communicate, or whatever. And then some people would send me full on sentences in the word cloud, and they weren’t mean or anything, they were just very prescriptive, and I enjoyed it.
Julie Gunderson: There’s some feels there.
Scott McAllister: Yeah.
Julie Gunderson: 100%.
Quintessence Anx: Definitely, definitely some feels.
Mandi Walls: Well, what else do we have coming up? We’re still doing meetups. We’re still going to do all those things now that we’re over this hump of Summit stuff. Scott, are we going to see the, do you think we’ll see those workshops other places for folks?
Scott McAllister: I think so. I think it’s a topic that people are are at all different levels of their journey. And so people want to see that content in learning various topics. And so with APIs, I think those are absolutely the future, and the current, right? The current and the future. And we’ll absolutely see that content again and again, I do believe. And Terraform just keeps coming. HashiCorp just released one 1.0 of the product, and folks just keep on using it, and it’s really powerful. And again, HashiCorp didn’t pay me to say that either.
Quintessence Anx: I mean…
Scott McAllister: All this free advertising from me. I think I’m missing out on an opportunity here.
Mandi Walls: All right. Well, as a virtual conference, now that it’s over, what do you miss most about being in person? So we’re looking forward to Quinn, I think like you’re going to Minneapolis DevOpsDays at the end of July, we’ll start to kick off more in-person conferences. What are you most looking forward to?
Quintessence Anx: Food. Food not from my own kitchen. You’re laughing, I’m not joking.
Julie Gunderson: I was going to say hugs.
Quintessence Anx: Okay, but Julie, hear me out.
Julie Gunderson: Okay.
Quintessence Anx: Foods you don’t have to cook.
Julie Gunderson: That is very fair, and drinks you don’t have to buy. I mean, that is a win.
Quintessence Anx: And depending on what complexity you order, drinks you don’t have to make either.
Julie Gunderson: So in other words, you can combine the food, drinks, and hugs.
Quintessence Anx: You can. Sometimes those things go very well together. I will say this though. I have been making at home a mix of coconut milk, seltzer water, and lime juice, and it’s actually really good.
Mandi Walls: Is that like a virgin pina colada? What’s going on there?
Quintessence Anx: I mean, not a pina colada. I think it’s more Mojito like, because it isn’t, pina colada is more pineapple, right?
Mandi Walls: Oh yeah.
Quintessence Anx: But yeah, that is the idea. Just has a nice, I’m not really complicated with my self-made food. I’m not like the amazing cook or anything. I can just make it function. So I was just like, what has a good amount of flavors that’s not water, or soda, because I don’t really drink soda.
Julie Gunderson: Now I do have something kind of real that I have missed that I’m looking forward to getting back to, is especially being at the PagerDuty booth or walking around with the PagerDuty shirt is the amount of strangers that will walk up to you and tell you that they hate you.
Quintessence Anx: I have never had that happen.
Julie Gunderson: Yes, if it’s the PagerDuty-
Mandi Walls: It’s the shoot the messenger part of it, right?
Julie Gunderson: Yes, generally followed up with some sort of ridiculous on-call horror story. So it’s an I hate you with love, but it is kind of fun, because you get to meet a lot of neat people and hear your stories when you’re walking around with that good old PagerDuty logo on. So I do think that that’s kind of fun. And just to warn you Quinn, my very first conference I went to at PagerDuty was DevOpDays Minneapolis and people will come up to the booth and they love to tell you how much they hate PagerDuty, but love it. So for anybody that’s going to be a DevOpsDays Minneapolis, troll Quinn at the booth, please.
Quintessence Anx: I mean-
Julie Gunderson: Because it’ll be fun.
Quintessence Anx: It’s only fair because I think I told you, and I don’t know if you remember, but that is literally how I met Matty. My first conference, DevOpsDays Chicago. Hey, how’d you like PagerDuty? And I’m like, well I am an advocate now, so it’s a really great app that does what it needs to do, but it was cathartic to uninstall you.
Scott McAllister: My response to that is always, you’re welcome.
Quintessence Anx: It was kind of what his response was. He’s like, yeah.
Julie Gunderson: Mandi, what are you most excited about?
Mandi Walls: Unlike Quinn, I’m not looking forward to convention food or bad hotel coffee. That’s been sort of the benefit of the past 18 months is drinking coffee at home, but I’m ready to interact with people in person just to like be a little off the cuff, and a little off the record with folks. I feel like I like the virtual events, because I feel like we get a wider variety of folks, but they’re still kind of constrained. Yeah. It’s not as off the record, right? You’re typing something in, like is somebody going to screenshot this? And yeah, I’m looking forward to being a little bit more in the moment I think with folks, and having a little bit more irreverent conversations maybe. Maybe not getting told how much they hate PagerDuty. I’ve heard that.
Quintessence Anx: Yeah, if they’re going to kind of tell us they love us, we have stickers.
Julie Gunderson: It’s with love. They tell us love.
Mandi Walls: They hate us with love. Yes. 100%. So. All right, well we’re at a pretty good time here. Do have any other parting advice for folks before we wrap up?
Julie Gunderson: Go watch the on demand content.
Mandi Walls: Definitely go watch the on demand content. You will have to sign up for Summit, go ahead and do that. It’ll be available until the end of July. So you can pick and choose. Most of the main sessions are about 20 minutes a piece. So you can hook one up while you’re drinking your coffee in the morning, or deleting all your email, or whatever it is, how you start your morning. The keynote ones are a little longer, but they’re worth listening to too. Like to go through those stories and see the demos and stuff. So super good.
Quintessence Anx: And just as a point of clarity for registering for Summit, it is free.
Mandi Walls: Yes. Oh yeah. Still free. 100%. Yep. All right. Well folks, it was a long week. Thank you for all of your hard work. For all of you folks out there, thanks for listening. Check out the Summit website, join us on the community site. And we are wishing you an uneventful day.
That does it for another installment of Page It to the Limit. We’d like to thank our sponsor, PagerDuty, for making this podcast possible. Remember to subscribe to this podcast if you like what you’ve heard. You can find our show notes at, and you can reach us on Twitter @pageit2thelimit, using the number two. Thank you so much for joining us and remember uneventful days, are beautiful days.
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Mandi Walls is a DevOps Advocate at PagerDuty. For PagerDuty, she helps organizations along their IT Modernization journey. Prior to PagerDuty, she worked at Chef Software and AOL. She is an international speaker on DevOps topics and the author of the whitepaper “Building A DevOps Culture”, published by O’Reilly.